Havre 911: Honk And Go – Havre Herald

The following are Havre Police Department and Hill County Sheriff’s Office reports made between April 17 and April 24. Both agencies respond to animal control calls as well.

Friday, April 17

2:45 p.m., 11th Street. A cat was on the loose.

6:20 p.m., Sixth Street. Someone wanted to speak to a deputy about a rock that was thrown into her car window.

6:32 p.m., Smithville Road. Juveniles were throwing rocks at tenants’ buildings.

10:29 p.m., Sixth Avenue. A suspicious Jeep was driving in the alley.

Saturday, April 18

1:22 a.m., (Rudyard). Juveniles were knocking on doors.

4:06 a.m., 22nd Avenue. A power pole was sparking behind their home, a caller reported.

2:50 p.m., 14th Street. Someone reported a marijuana odor.

4:36 p.m., Second Street. A juvenile snuck out of the house.

8:09 p.m., Sixth Street North. A man called 911 to report his neighbor was threatening him.

9:05 p.m., Ninth Avenue. A man was being belligerent and wouldn’t leave the residence.

10:12 p.m., Sixth Street. Police ticketed multiple people after responding to a noise complaint. Three people — a 19-year-old and two 16-year-olds — were ticketed on charges of minor in possession of an intoxicant. Two 20-year-olds were ticketed on charges of endangering the welfare of children.

Sunday, April 19

3:58 a.m., Jefferson Avenue. Rocky Boy Police needed help finding someone. Police arrested an 18-year-old Box Elder woman on charges of obstruction and minor in possession of an intoxicant.

4:26 a.m., Lincoln Avenue. A group of people were yelling and screaming in the street.

7:56 a.m., U.S. Hwy 2. A white Jetta and a black Dodge pickup were racing. The vehicles parked at Walmart.

10:53 a.m., Fourth Avenue. A caller reported that someone driving a black Chevy pickup honked at him and raced by.

12:24 p.m., Second Street. Someone complained about loud music.

6:02 p.m., Fifth Avenue. A vehicle hit a power pole.

9:32 p.m., Second Street. A dark blue Ford Taurus was swerving all over the street.

Monday, April 20

9:19 a.m., Sawmill Gulch Lane. Someone drove through a fence, a caller reported.

1:28 p.m., First Street restaurant. Someone in a vehicle had a baby in her lap.

1:40 p.m., U.S. Hwy 2. Deputies arrested a 27-year-old Havre man on a partner or family member assault charge.

4:29 p.m., Sixth Avenue. A sick cat was in his yard, a caller reported.

4:46 p.m., Havre. A caller reported a Clearing House scam.

5:03 p.m., Fourth Avenue. A caller reported missing a package.

6:52 p.m., Sixth Street. Police investigated after receiving a call from someone who said she found a bullet hole in the kitchen window.

8:31 p.m., Second Street. Police investigated a report about a stolen package.

8:52 p.m., Havre. A male was driving a Dodge Journey without a license and probably was high, a caller reported.

Tuesday, April 21

11:09 a.m., 14th Avenue. Police arrested a 62-year-old Havre man on charges of DUI, making false reports to police, and resisting arrest.

12:22 p.m., Havre. Someone wanted to speak to an officer about harassing phone calls.

3:02 p.m., Havre. A caller asked to speak to an officer about harassment and threats.

7:20 p.m., Second Street. Someone broke into their home while they were at dinner and stole more stuff, a caller reported.

Wednesday, April 22

12:26 p.m., 15th Avenue. A dog wouldn’t stop barking.

1:52 a.m., Fifth Street. The neighbors were having a party, a caller reported. A second caller said there was loud music and that the same thing happened last weekend too. Police issued a verbal warning.

3:35 a.m., Fourth Street. Someone was having a party on the corner by the big building, someone reported. Police ticketed a 23-year-old Havre man for disorderly conduct.

5:57 p.m., First Street convenience store. A white Ford pickup left with the gas pump connected.

8:06 p.m., 10th Street. A called reported finding a prescription bottle in the yard.

9:45 p.m., 14th Street. A cat jumped into the yard and their dog attacked it, a caller said. It didn’t look like the cat was going to make it.

11:20 p.m., Cole Drive. Someone pulled a knife on her, a caller reported.

11:29 p.m., Havre. Police arrested a 41-year-old Havre man on charges of criminal mischief, possession of dangerous drugs, probation violation, and obstruction.

Thursday, April 23

5:27 a.m., Boulevard Avenue. People were going around ringing doorbells and taking off.

7:58 a.m., Havre. Someone reported receiving a suspicious call.

12:54 p.m., Second Street. Someone threw a can of Mountain Dew at a vehicle.

1:58 p.m., Third Street. Police arrested a 43-year-old Havre woman on charges of DUI, driving with a suspended or revoked driver’s license, habitual traffic offender, and possession of dangerous drugs.

7:52 p.m., Fifth Street. A caller reported that a man was at her house throwing things at her. Police arrested a 24-year-old Havre man on a partner or family member assault charge.

9:08 p.m., Second Street. A stolen DVD player was reported.

11:53 p.m., Jefferson Avenue. A man and woman were yelling at each other.

Friday, April 24

1:40 a.m., 17th Street. A man was yelling and kicking over trash bins.

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