The following are reports from the Hill County Sheriff’s Office and Havre Police Department dispatch logs, agencies that also respond to animal control calls.
Monday, Dec. 16
7:15 a.m., Second Street. Someone’s son and boyfriend were fighting.
11:15 a.m., First Street. A phone was stolen over the weekend.
2:42 p.m., 10th Street. There are vehicles that haven’t moved in months, a caller reported.
8:55 p.m., First Street. A man was panhandling.
11:05 p.m., First Street. A driver may have been drunk.
Tuesday, Dec. 17
10:03 a.m., Havre. Someone wanted to speak to an officer about her children.
2:31 p.m., Havre. A caller wanted to speak to police about people driving over her lawn.
5:59 p.m., Washington Avenue. A young man claimed to have been hit by a vehicle.
7:24 p.m., First Street convenience store. Someone found drugs in the women’s restroom.
10:11 p.m., Ninth Avenue. Police investigated after receiving a report of a woman who was acting out in the middle of the street.
Wednesday, Dec. 18
1:02 a.m., Hwy 87. Two black cows were near the highway.
4:18 a.m., Fourth Street. A drunk male was threatening someone.
10:27 a.m., First Street. A caller said a Yorkie dog ran into her house.
11:03 a.m., 14th Avenue. A caller complained that some cars had been parked for weeks without being moved.
1:09 p.m., 17th Street. Someone driving a silver Monte Carlo was spinning brodies.
2:23 p.m., First Street. A caller told police she found a debit card.
8:49 p.m., First Street bar. A man was passed out behind the back door. Police arrested a 57-year-old Box Elder man on a disorderly conduct charge.
8:53 p.m., Ninth Street. A caller reported a Facebook message she received.
Thursday, Dec. 19
8:25 a.m., Havre. Police were involved in a pursuit involving a person with two felony warrants and who may face six criminal endangerment charges.
9:35 a.m., Lincoln Avenue. Police investigated a hit-and-run accident.
5:29 p.m., U.S. Hwy 2. Police investigated another hit-and-run accident.
6:33 p.m., Tiber Drive. Police looked into a call about suspicious vehicles.
7:05 p.m., Fifth Avenue and 11th Street. A dog was following the UPS driver.
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